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My name is Dmitriy “Ghost_22” Kochetov. I am Gamer, web-designer and a little bit HL1 mapper =) Also I was writing some reviews on games and modifications. On this web site you can find out more about me and my creations and personal projects. If you are located in Russia, you can order some stuff in my store (for example clothes from Team Psykskallar, ar some of airsoft guns). Have fun, dear visitors)

Personal projects:
  • Biohzard Virus - A mod for Half-Life - Started in year 2012 by Evgeniy "Jendr" Steapanov. When I've joined this project, I became a level designer and ideas generator. Now we are working on it
  • They Hunger co-op - Dead project started in year 2011. I wanted to add coop mode in famous They Hunger HL1 mod by Neal Manke
  • GoldSRC games [Ghosts] clan - my clan where I was a Clan Leader. We had 200 members in our clan, but later I had to disband our community...

Contact me: ghost22@fromru.com